While not a Steyr Scout this is an interesting development. The Steyr Ultra Light is based on the Scout receiver without the extended rail. The specs are:
Calibers: 222 Rem (1:9), 223 Rem (1:9), 243 Win
(1:10), 7mm-08 Rem (1:8.6) 308 Win (1:12),
Overall length. 1020 mm (40,15 inches)
Barrel length: 485 mm (19")
Weight: 2,7 kg (5,9 lbs)
Magazine cap: 4 rounds
Mounts: integrated in receiver--Weaver rail type
Stocked in European walnut with rose wood insert in forearm and pistol grip with
Bavarian cheek piece.
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Neither Fr. Frog, the hosting service for these pages, nor this page is officially associated with Steyr Mannlicher, or SteyrUSA This page provided by Fr. Frog as a service to the friends of Jeff Cooper, the folks Steyr, and the shooting community. Fr. Frog is not responsible for any errors, omissions, nor your inability to hit what you aim at when using this rifle. As far as I know all the information presented is correct and I have attempted to ensure that it is. However, I am not responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or misuse of this information, nor for you doing something stupid with it. (Don't you hate these disclaimers? So do I, but there are people out there who refuse to be responsible for their own actions and who will sue anybody to make a buck.)
Updated 2005-10-13 @ 1130