Those Who Dared To Dream

Many people contributed to the general concept of the scout rifle. Below are photos of some of the people involved in bringing the Steyr Scout Rifle to fruition. Please note that there are 6 moderately large jpg files on this page to provide good quality pictures. They may take a while to download if you have a slow connection, (MS FrontPage says 66 seconds at 28.8) but it is worth the wait.

This page is best viewed full screen at a screen resolution of 800 x 600 and 256 or higher color level.

Jeff & Heinz Hambrusch (16k jpg)

Left to right: Jeff Cooper, Heinz Hambrsuch (Former president of Steyr Mannlicher)

Jeff & Steyr gang (18k jpg)

Left to right: Giles Stock, Einar Hoff (GSI), Elmar Bilgeri (Steyr Designer), Jeff Cooper,
Erwin Derntl (Steyr Area Sales Manager), Harald Sieberer (Steyr Prototype Production Engineer)

Jeff & friends (15k jpg)

Left to right: Dan Predovich (Orange Gunsite Instructor), Eric Ching (Designer of the Ching Sling), Jeff Cooper, John Schaefer (The Infamous Fr. Frog). The target Jeff is holding is the one shown on the general data page.

Jeff and heinz w/first production rifle (31k jpg) Jeff and Elmar w/ presentation gun (26k jpg)
Jeff Cooper and Heinz Hambrusch with the first production Steyr Scout Rifle. I'd say they are happy folks! Jeff Cooper and Elmar Bilgeri with the stainless finish presentation rifle. Stock is airbrushed with the American and Austrian flags, the Jeff Cooper "JC" logo, an eagle, and a Southwestern landscape scene with a lightning bolt.

Close up of presentation Scout (13k jpg)

Detail of presentation Steyr Scout

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| The Big Bore Scout & .376 Cartridge | The Tactical Scout Rifle | The Steyr Mannlicher Company History |

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Neither Fr. Frog, the hosting service for these pages, nor this page is officially associated with Steyr Mannlicher, nor SteyrUSA. This page provided by Fr. Frog as a service to the friends of Jeff Cooper, the folks Steyr, and the shooting community. Fr. Frog is not responsible for any errors, omissions, nor your inability to hit what you aim at when using this rifle.  As far as I know all the information presented is correct and I have attempted to ensure that it is. However, I am not responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or misuse of this information, nor for you doing something stupid with it. (Don't you hate these disclaimers? So do I, but there are people out there who refuse to be responsible for their own actions and who will sue anybody to make a buck.)

Updated 2005-10-13 @ 1130